With the power of God nothing can stop us from helping more and more individuals and families. Our vision for our organization is to uplift and give hope to those less fortunate in our communities surrounding us. Soon we plan to have a warehouse to hold household goods and items to help those less fortunate to come and pick from our inventory and take home for free. We also plan to offer IT classes to get those looking for work better jobs and skills to add to their resumes.
As we move to those new levels within our organization we will continue to server our communities with food, resources and whatever we can to keep individuals and families off the street while helping those on the street to become more stabilized in their lives. We believe that giving hope especially in the world today is what people need to get motivated. Seeing someone else’s story will help someone else aspire to be more intentional of trying to achieve that same success.
As COVID hit there was more of a desire for our organization to get better prepared as the world is changing every day. COVID really put a damper on reaching out to anyone without a cell phone as there were mandatory curfews and mask ordinances. Most homeless and people in need to not have the luxury of technology to help them nor have masks to prepare them for these types of situations. COVID brought a bigger challenge, and we were still able to reach people throughout the pandemic.
We can’t express enough the desire and determination of our organization and we plan to grow these services as we have built our own software to manage our service which will run in the cloud. This will give us a way to track our inventory and families who receive our help. We can also schedule meetings and create schedules for call backs for those in our system. We are very excited to get started on this journey to reach more of those in need.
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